
News Dated: 20th June 2024

  Commemorating the 80th Anniversary of       D Day

The Friends of Ramsey Mortuary Chapels marked the 80th Anniversary of D Day on Thursday the 7th of June at 10am.


When members of the 42 Engineer Regiment (Geographic) from RAF Wyton marched down to the Ramsey Mortuary Chapels with Ramsey’s new Mayor, Val Fendley and other Ramsey Town Councillors, Chair of Ramsey Branch of the Royal British Legion Peter Brindley and some of the other members of the Ramsey branch of the RBL, members of Rotary in Ramsey, together with local school children and members of the public, joined us in paying our respects to those who fought, so we all can enjoy the freedom that we have today.


The interpretation board that was designed by Roger Reynolds MVO, was unveiled by the former Rotary President, Will Cowell and a wreath was laid by Audrey Manchett a member of the Women's Section of the Royal British Legion.


Wooden crosses were placed on the War Graves in the cemetery by the Mayor, Val Fendley, Peter Brindley and the school children. Altogether a wonderful and poignant moments.


We should not forget, not only those who fought, but also everyone interred in our cemetery. They are all important in their way and part of Ramsey’s history.


Photos below have been kindly supplied by Hayley Ward – Photography Supervisor BA(Hons) Photographic Section of the Royal Air Force Wyton.

News Dated: 23rd May 2024

Marking the 80th Anniversary of D Day

The Friends of Ramsey Mortuary Chapels will be marking this day along with Ramsey Town Council and Rotary in Ramsey.


On Thursday 6th June 2024 Ramsey will be commemorating this anniversary.

Starting with a flag raising at the Ramsey War Memorial at 09:30, at 09:40 children from different schools and members of 42 Engineer Regiment (Geographic), a regular and reserve unit, will be marching from the Ramsey War Memorial to the chapels, where they will lay crosses on all of the War Graves within the cemetery.

The Ramsey Branch of the Royal British Legion, Ramsey Town Councillors and members of Rotary in Ramsey will also be in attendance.


The Friends of Ramsey Mortuary Chapels have had an interpretation board made, with considerable help from Roger Reynolds MVO and Rotary in Ramsey about all the War Graves in the cemetery, both WWI and WWII, this will be unveiled by Rotary Chairman, Will Cowell who is also a member of the Radio Society of Great Britain.
The anniversary of D Day is also being commemorated by 2 Special Event Stations located at Bletchley Park Centre where the wartime Enigma codes were broken.
Will has an old-fashioned portable radio station in a box, which he hopes to set up at the chapels to see if contact can be made with them. How nice to be able to see messages transmitted before the days of mobile phones and text messages!


The Friends of Ramsey Mortuary Chapels have also produced a leaflet about the War Graves in the Wood Lane Cemetery which Ramsey Town Council has generously offered to pay for. These will be available on the day.


Also, at 20:30 at the Ramsey War Memorial, poems will be read, the lanterns will be lit, and large silhouettes of soldiers (both men and women) will be unveiled.


We hope you will all join us in commemorating the 80th anniversary of D Day.

News Dated: 1st May 2024

St. Thomas a’ Becket Church - Summer Fete - 1st June 2024

The Friends of Ramsey Mortuary Chapels will be at the St. Thomas a’ Becket Church Fete on Saturday 1st June on the Abbey Green, starting at 1:30pm until 4:30pm.


Why not pop and support us by having a go on our Lucky Dip or Tombola.


Money raise from all of the fundraising efforts are put back into the restoration of the chapels.

News Dated: 25th March 2024

Ramsey Heritage Open Day - April 2024

At long last the Ramsey Mortuary Chapels has some good news to report.


On Sunday the 7th of April, the Ramsey Mortuary Chapels will be back open for Ramsey’s Heritage Day, now the work by the Ramsey Town Council has finished.


The Chapels will be open from 11am until 4pm, so why not pop along to see us and the Chapels. There will be lots of nearly new second-hand books on sale, a giant tombola and children’s lucky dip and 1 or 2 surprises.


We look forward to seeing you on the 7th of April and thank you all for your continued support, especially as we have been unable to open for the last 9 months.

News Dated: 4th November 2023

Ramsey 2024 Calendar

We are proud to announce The Ramsey Initiative and the Ramsey Mortuary Chapels have worked together to produce the Ramsey 2024 calendar.


The calendar is available to purchase from: -

  • Pet Havens (38 Great Whyte, Ramsey),
  • Ramsey Post Office (Whitefield Road, Ramsey)
  • Home and Vintage - Ramsey Mortuary Chapels Stall (25 Bury Road, Bury, Ramsey).


The calendar costs only £9.50 each. All profits from the calendars will be divided equally between The Ramsey initiative and the Ramsay Mortuary Chapels.

News Dated: 23rd October 2023

Visit us on our tombola and lucky dip stall at Ramsey’s Spooktacular Market on Saturday 28th October, 10am to 3pm. 


We will be giving away free creepies!!

News Dated: 1st October 2023

On the lead up to Remembrance Sunday, we are sharing some information with you about some of the Servicemen who are commemorated in the Wood Lane Cemetery. 
Although not all those that we mention are buried there, their families have remembered them by including them on family gravestones.  

Click here to

News Dated: July 2023



The Chapels Grounds are open to the public.



However, at present the Chapels themselves are closed to members of the public, due to ongoing restoration work.

News Dated: 25th August 2023

News Dated: March 2022

We are pleased to tell you that the Chapels will be open

on Saturday 30th April and Sunday 1st May,

to support the Children of Ukraine Appeal


On Saturday 30th April and Sunday 1st May, from 11:00 to 4:00pm, we will be holding a book, DVD and CD sale to raise funds for the children in Ukraine, many of whom, as you know, have lost their homes, families and are injured themselves.
There will also be a tombola, children's lucky dip and various items of bric-a-brac, which can be yours for a small donation.
We can assure you that all money raised will go to the Children of Ukraine appeal.
Thank you for your support, and we look forward to seeing both old friends and new visitors.
Remember, we do not charge an entry fee.



Check back here regularly to find out what's going on at Ramsey Mortuary Chapels



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The “what3words” app gives every 3-meter square area in the world a unique identification code made up of 3 words.


To get you to the main entrance on Wood Lane, Ramsey, you just need to enter: - ///fuses.hurray.deflated.

To get you to the Ramsey Mortuary Chapels themselves, you just need to enter: - ///sunk.relishing.starring into the “what3words” navigation area of the App and you can ask it to navigate you to the location. 

You will need to make sure you have downloaded the "what3words" App first on to your device.

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