Further News

News Dated: 1st May 2024

Finally, after some many months, the work has been completed by the Ramsey Town Council and the Chapel buildings can now reopen to the public.


So as of May, the chapels will now be open on the first Sunday of each month, up to and including October and on Special days in between.


So pop along to see what has been happening.


The Friends of Ramsey Mortuary Chapels have a great archive of history on and about Ramsey. These range from Ramsey Mortuary Chapels, Ramsey Life, Shops and Businesses.

These are within the chapels and can be viewed on request.

News Dated: 18th November 2023

Several of our volunteers attended the Ramsey War Memorial on Remembrance Sunday to pay our respects and to remember all those Servicemen who have fallen. I laid a wreath on behalf of the ‘Friends of Ramsey Mortuary Chapels’.


It is always well attended, but I think that this year there were more people than ever paying their respects, and rightly so. We live in strange, unsettled times.


We also were pleased and privileged to assist with the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal at Tesco’s in Ramsey.

It never fails to amaze me just how generous people are, and I know that this is very much appreciated, and the money raised will be put to good use.
Jane Yardley – Chair of the Friends.

News Dated: 1st October 2023

On the lead up to Remembrance Sunday, we are sharing some information with you about some of the Servicemen who are commemorated in the Wood Lane Cemetery.

Although not all those that we mention are buried there, their families have remembered them by including them on family gravestones. 


We would welcome any further information that you might have about them or their families and will include it in our archives. Chapel member Maurice Margetts has been very busy restoring and cleaning the war graves that are not under the care of the War Graves Commission and we would like to thank him for his hard work.


These young men gave their lives so that future generations might be free, and it is important that we remember them. Jane Yardley – Chair of the Friends.

News Dated: 26th September 2023

The ‘Friends’ will be having a stall at the Ramsey Market on Saturday 28th October, from 10am to 3pm, on the Great Whyte.

Will be there with our Tombola, Lucky Dip, Hand-crafted items and more, to help with our ongoing fundraising efforts. 


So, make sure you add this date to your diary and pop along to support us, we would love to see you then.

News Dated: July 2023

The Ramsey Mortuary Chapels Grounds are open to the public.

However, at present the Chapels buildings themselves are closed to members of the public, due to ongoing restoration work.

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If you would like to become a Friend of Ramsey Mortuary Chapels please complete the form on the Contact Us page.


Click here for location

To help you find the Ramsey Mortuary Chapels with ease, you can use the Free “what3words” app.


The “what3words” app gives every 3-meter square area in the world a unique identification code made up of 3 words.


To get you to the main entrance on Wood Lane, Ramsey, you just need to enter: - ///fuses.hurray.deflated.

To get you to the Ramsey Mortuary Chapels themselves, you just need to enter: - ///sunk.relishing.starring into the “what3words” navigation area of the App and you can ask it to navigate you to the location. 

You will need to make sure you have downloaded the "what3words" App first on to your device.

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