Events we have coming up

Sunday 7th July 2024

from 2pm til 5pm

Thursday 6th June 2024

from 9:30am

The Friends of Ramsey Mortuary Chapels will be marking the 80th anniversary of D Day.
Along with Ramsey Town Council, Rotary in Ramsey, members of 42 Engineer Regiment (Geographic), a regular and reserve unit and children from different schools will be at the Ramsey War Memorial to raise a flag in memory of those who fallen.

At 9:40am, they will be marching from Ramsey War Memorial to the chapels, where they will lay crosses on all of the War Graves within the cemetery.

The Friends of Ramsey Mortuary Chapels have had an interpretation board made, with considerable help from Roger Reynolds MVO and Rotary in Ramsey about all the War Graves in the cemetery, both WWI and WWII. This will be unveiled by Rotary Chairman, Will Cowell who is also a member of the Radio Society of Great Britain.

Will has an old-fashioned portable radio station in a box, which he will hopefully set up at the chapels to see if contact can be made with Bletchley Park Centre. How nice to be able to see messages transmitted before the days of mobile phones and text messages! 

The Friends of Ramsey Mortuary Chapels have also produced a leaflet about the War Graves in the Wood Lane Cemetery which Ramsey Town Council has generously offered to pay for. These will be available on the day.

Also, at 20:30 at the Ramsey War Memorial, poems will be read, the lanterns will be lit, and large silhouettes of soldiers (both men and women) will be unveiled.


We hope you will all join us in commemorating the 80th anniversary of D Day.

Saturday 1st June 2024

from 1:30pm until 4:30pm

Sunday 7th April 2024

from 11am until 4pm

Saturday 28th October 2023

from 10am until 3pm

Sunday 10th September 2023

from 11am until 4pm

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The “what3words” app gives every 3-meter square area in the world a unique identification code made up of 3 words.


To get you to the main entrance on Wood Lane, Ramsey, you just need to enter: - ///fuses.hurray.deflated.

To get you to the Ramsey Mortuary Chapels themselves, you just need to enter: - ///sunk.relishing.starring into the “what3words” navigation area of the App and you can ask it to navigate you to the location. 

You will need to make sure you have downloaded the "what3words" App first on to your device.

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